How to do Hip Thrusts

Hip Thrusts builds strenght and size in your glutes in a way that many exercises cannot. You can do hip thrusts with our BB Bands or on The Booty Builder to get the most out of the exercise.

1. Start by laying down with your shoulder blades against a bench/on the floor, and your arms across it for stability.

2. Make sure that your feet are flat on the floor while bending your knees to about 90 degrees.

3. Brace your core. Remember to take big breaths in and blowing your air out fully.

4. Lift your hips up and squeeze your glutes for two seconds, and then get back to the starting position.

5. Complete the reps until you have reached your goal.

6. You can do this with or without weights/bands.

Benefits of Hip Thrusts:

This exercise is important for the stabilization of your core, pelvis and lower body.